International Summer School 2018

04.06. – 08.06.2018, Amsterdam

Social Work and Cooperation: Two of a kind?

Die Summer School 2018 wird in Kooperation mit der Hogeschool van Amsterdam und der Hogeschool Arnhem en Nijmegen veranstaltet.

Sie findet vom 4. bis 8. Juni 2018 in Amsterdam, an der Hogeschool van Amsterdam, statt. Aufgrund der internationalen Zusammensetzung der Teilnehmenden wird die Summer School 2018 in Englisch durchgeführt.

Key idea

Collaboration, alliances, partnerships, and many other forms of cooperation are key practices in social work. However, these practices of cooperation involve complexity and ambiguity. During this Summer School 2018 we will be developing a broad understanding of cooperation and various related issues.

The general aim of this Summer School 2018 is to start a collaborative and joint process of exchange and discussion on cooperation with clients, informal networks, other disciplines and policy making bodies.

Modul contents

Key questions:

  • What to do when either the professional or the client experience their relationship as suboptimal?
  • How might professionals organize multidisciplinary cooperation if their experience proves to be insufficient?
  • How can professionals connect with organizational prerequisites and policy making to enhance client well-being in particular or human rights in general?
  • How do professionals collaborate with volunteers and informal net works close to their clients?

From an international perspective, participants will explore modes of cooperation and their prerequisites against the background of specific social policy agendas and welfare regimes. The Summer School 2018 offers participants the opportunity to build the skills needed to deal with the many challenges associated with cooperation.

For further informations please contact:

Andreas Schauder
Prof. Andreas Schauder. Dipl. Ped.

Lecturer, University Centre, FHNW School of Social Work
