Summer School 2015

01.06. – 05.06.2015

Work and Migration

Social Work Perspectives on Workplace Integration

Key idea

International migration has risen significantly in recent decades, from 154 million persons in 1990 to 232 million in 2013. However, most OECD countries expect growing shortages of skilled labor in the coming two decades.

Whereas in recent years various policies have been introduced to facilitate the recruitment of migrant workers and workers migrating into other countries, there is also growing resentment in European countries against liberalizing labor markets. Labor migration has become a very important factor for economic, cultural and social development in both the destanation and home countries of migrants. Debates on labor migration need to distinguish between migrant workers and workers migrating into other countries.

Both groups face different challenges as regards family, migration and mobility, housing and workplace. Moreover, there is no clear-cut distinction between temporary and permanent migrants. Migrant workers can become new settlers and working migrants (whose planned permanent settlement may, however, fail). In modern societies, labor market participation and workplace integration are key challenges for social integration and participation. However, social research, social work research, and social work practice on immigrants and migrant workers show that the successful workforce entry and workplace integration of migrants often faces manifold hindrances and challenges. Welfare states have therefore developed a wide range of activities to improve the workplace integration of migrant workers and immigrants.

Social work institutions and social workers are actively involved in these processes. The 2015 Summer School will address the situation of migrant workers and working migrants in different countries and provide insights into the social work practice and activities aimed at the integration of migrants into the labor market and the workplace.

 Modul contents

 Key questions:

  • Which challenges do migration and workplace integration present for social work?
  • How does social work deal with work-related and workplace-integration issues within the context of migration?
  • Which competencies and qualtifications are needed for social work practice within the context of work and migration?

The 2015 Summer School will bring together a wide range of international participants to debate the current situation of migrant workers within the context of differnet national regulations and within the framework of international European policies. It will also consider the global aspects of labor migration and workplace integration. Special emphasis will be placed on the role of social work and social workers in the field of international  labor migration.
